Saturday, October 23, 2021

Honeycomb on Toast

She’s blooming in the sunlight, 

moonlight, glimmering like seaside salt.

Melting in her arms as if

we were honeycomb on toast.

Sticky kisses, curls and freckles,

never hungry, bless your soul.

It's the rose flavour in the water

that somehow brings my breath to halt.

Sunday, October 17, 2021

Tinfoil Soldier

Why do I hurt myself so?

Beat myself to your own drum,

to which I march in vapid squalor.

I soldier on, step lead and glum.

Why do I rescind my valor,

my misery worn on your tongue.

I watch it dig up old wounds, shallow,

deliver my heart to a loaded gun.

Anew your smile triggers my scorn,

ere had I hoped my thoughts would hallow.

I thought this fear was long since shorn,

But it's ingrown deep, to my bone marrow.

Sunday, October 10, 2021


I feel an itching sense of ruin

as if everything will go wrong.

Like a black cat on a dead man's chair,

I disregard where I belong.

I feel an uninvited presence

of imminent, unknown despair.

Yet I've no hints of what will tumble.

I only know, somehow, I'll break.

Verse – Garden

What's it worth to wish for 

a lover singing in the garden,

when your heart is trained forever

on all the shadows of the house.